After 20 years in the weight loss industry, this is my definitive guideline for steady and PERMANENT weight loss and health success!
— Dietitian Dad

When I work with my patients and clients from all walks of life, some having weight loss surgery, some not…I have to tailor my approach differently for each person. But after many years of seeing similarities amongst those I work with, I have been able to put together a program that will work for everyone, no matter, the age, size, gender, stress level, medical history, etc. Everyone “Wants” to lose weight or get healthier, that is a given. But it’s my job to turn that want into action and these steps below can help guide you to results:

1: The first thing we have to do is decide on what it is we want (or need) to accomplish. Without a goal, we are wandering aimlessly down many roads, many of which lead to dead ends. I am big on Journaling and having a dedicated journal where you can write all of this down is essential. It will help to keep you focused.

2. Now that we have the goal (or goals) written down, the 2nd step is working on a plan to meet those goals. If the goal is to lose 50 pounds, are we going to do this with weight loss surgery? If not, how? Exercise plans? Weight loss medication?

3. Once we have a plan, I recommend opening up and discussing this with your most cherished friends and family. Those who won’t judge or question you. By being open with your goals, they will be supportive and not judge you but also understand that some changes may be coming in your life that may impact them. You may lose a few people along the way, but that will let you know who you can rely on.

4. Now let’s head over to your kitchen. I am sure your kitchen is already pretty clean but I want you to make it sparkle. Get it cleaned and organized. Spend a few hours making it a fun and lively place that you want to spend your time in. Get rid of anything you don’t need or ever use. Dust off the Air Fryer, Blender, Crockpot, and make counter space for these so they are visible and easily accessible. Clean the fridge, pantry and oven. Put up recipes on the walls or fridge. Sharpen your knives. The clean kitchen and the organized kitchen will be a place you want to hang out!

5. Exercise plan. Food and nutrition/calories are king when it comes to weight loss. But a good exercise plan is the cherry on top. Exercise is easy…either you do it or you don’t. Eating involves so many more factors. But I find that those who don’t know what to do or how to do it just don’t do it when it comes to exercise. So we work on developing a plan to success…and you don’t need a gym to do it.

6. Grocery Shopping. This is something we all do already, many do this just to get it over with. I want you to stop the delivery services and get back into the stores where you can see, feel, and smell the food you are going to buy. Explore new stores you haven’t ever gone into. Different cultural supermarkets are great if you live in a big city. Take time to walk around and find new food ideas. You should be spending a couple hours a week in a grocery store. But also have a shopping list (use Pinterest for planning this).

7. Supplements: Have a supplement plan. What are you going to be taking?

8. Mental Health: Understand that along this journey, days may seem long, you will want to quit. Utilize mental health tools (books, therapists, etc) to make sure you keep your mind strong. Don’t be afraid to change in your thinking processes. Self doubt is so strong but you can change your mindset. Look into using a “Mind Map” (google it)…

The info you just read is not easy and takes a lot of time. It requires a full commitment on your part. If you are ready and willing to change for good, you can do this on your own. But if you need a coach to guide you along the way, this is where you reach out to me and you and I will go through this together. DM me on instagram @dietitian_dad or email me at!! Good luck!